Frank Quietly's a Menthor of mine

Firstly; thank you Marbles, for the share.

Secondly; there was so much to learn from it, its amazing. The to do list is a humourous and important specification for organising my agenda. I'm only just, after years of toying with the idea, seriously getting on with to do lists. The amount of work then to cover and admission of ideas, be it on a train or "where ever", is also handy encouragement for holding a sketch book, just over pocket size, where ever I go. The colour differentials of multiple characters is a good tip too. I spotted that even before their mention.

Thirdly; he talks of the 301 Meg cover as a fully digital piece and with it lets slip on how he involves Neil Googe's internal art.

The terms "internal art" and "underdrawing" are each beneficial too.

One thing I'm opposite on, after all this while still, is labelling layers in front of working on them. But as he moves into the underdrawing more I see his advanced knowledge is working from guides then forward from them. Going over the work and making more alterations as he goes. At the level I am at, I usually traipse through layers then come to a point where I'm labelling them. At the moment I'm thinking it's a left hand thing...

The reason this vid sparked an interest in me was the All Star Superman stuff, from which I'm hoping to syphon off inspiration. For a work in progress, I am doing in Manga Studio Debut.


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